Sunday, May 6, 2012

MoonBoot Pump Track!

So I was told that I should get on the stationary bike and go for a spin to get the legs going. I did this for a few min then all of a sudden the wind trainer let go and then next thing Is new I was down at the pump track doing some Physio approved laps!

After my work out sessions with the Physio I get these electrodes put on my leg to help it recover. The 1st time it got put on my leg they thought the machine was broken. How they measure it I'm not to sure but most people are on a 12 setting and I was on a 23 they were rather stunned that I was up so high and said that I have a remarkably high pain thresh hold. possibly why my ankle was not looked at closely when I first hurt it.

So Im getting better and starting to see results and getting to see there is a light at the end of the tunnle!

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