Friday, September 2, 2011

Awesome Guide with Robert

Most of the guiding I get to do at Arbutus Routes is single track based and challenges people from all areas of the globe. The riding in whistler is a eye opening experience for every one who get on a bike from the beginner tails to the advanced trails and all of the in between.

A few weeks back I had a Robert come into the shop and want to go out on a trip as he was here for a few days whilst his partner worked away and he had a hall pass to go play. With this in mid and the wicked attitude he came up to us with I flicked a switch in my head and said "Right lets see how far I can push this guy whilst giving him the experience of a lifetime"

And so the ride began we took of threw Lost Lake park for a sweet little shred sending it of the bridges, railling berms and hucking it over log drops. The ride took us up in down and around the park covering almost every trail possible. We made our way along a trail and I was informing Robert to be on the look out for a bear, with in 30 seconds I looked in front of my eyes and saw the a Black bear Grazing away. Black bear out of the way we carried on with the rest of our ride.

Now it was time for Cut Yer Bars. I showed Robert a few skills and techniques to assist with his riding and he was more than ready to take on the rocks that lie ahead. The photos below are Robert pushing him self to his limits and getting the job done on the Rocks. Great work buddy and hope you all get out there and push your self as much as he did!

 Slow and stead wins the race!

 Yip Yeew, Getting the job done.
 The top.
The bottom.

Hats off to you buddy, Cheers for the Wicked ride!

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