Saturday, July 9, 2011

BCBR is in town

The final stage of the BCBR hit town on Saturday. The weather turned it on for the riders to give them the energy they all needed to get them through the final day of their 7 day riding epic. The riders have travelled by bike, riding from Vancouver Island to Whistler - experiencing some of the most majestic single track British Columbia has to offer.

This final stage was not an easy one to finish on by any means. All riders took it in their stride to finish the race, be it riding a flat tyre across the finish line to walking across because they have pushed their bodies mentally, physically and emotionally to the limits and beyond.

It didn't matter if you are a pro rider, someone who lost a bet to do the race or a team of 5, everyone rides the same course and has experiences that last a lifetime - all for one simple reason "Love the Ride"

My check point for the race! Rocky tape showing you where the fun begins and the fire road ends.

Old mate decided to come out of the bushes to say g'day! This was 2 min before the 1st rider came into my check point.

Blake Harlan from Jamis USA coming threw on his xcr with 140mil up front to cope with the Whistler riding! He finished 5th overall in the open mens class.

Ahh wonderful racing bottle neck getting ready for the single track. Note how no one is pushing in - such a great sight to see - you want to pass do it legitimately.

The "Brazilian" Rocky mtn team. These ladies were an amazing morale boost for everyone. They had little horns that they honked for every marshal and rider that they passed or passed them. Dam guy wouldn't move out of the pic and I was to lazy to photo shop him out!

Jamis boys and their pimped out van that sleeps 4 and has a workshop that comes out the back of it!

Only way to finish a race off, take out what you put in. Congrats to the winners and the Rocky mountain guys for the bunting to keep everyone on the straight and narrow.

My over all opinion on the race: It's a great way to see what BC has to offer you in the way of amazing riding and scenery. Organisation is a bit average to be honest and I was most disappointing to hearing from several riders that the tracks were poorly marked in more than one stage. I marshaled the final stage and coming from a racing and race assisting background I really noticed how superior Australia is when it comes to race organisation.

If you want to ride BC mountain bike trails and like it all planed out out in front of you and the kind of person who just wants to show up and ride then it's a good option.

If you want to ride BC and ride at your own pace and have the flexibility to re-ride sections then I'd do it a few different ways.
1) Hire a car for 2 weeks and go to little bike shops along the way for advice on where to ride.
2) Costs a bit more but get a group together and do the BC BIKE RIDE, it's similar to the BCBR but you will smile more than a fat kid in a candy store!
3) Look up the guys at Arbutus Routes for personal guided tours in Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton for another amazing single track experience.

Most of all "Love The Ride"

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