Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back in canada

Hello and Welcome to my 1st ever blog.

I'll be keeping you all up to date on my adventures throughout my summer in Whistler. I simply want to share my adventures with everyone and hopefully inspire you or someone else to get out on a bike.

I'm now back in the place that can make all your 'epic loam shredding, gnar riding with amazing mates' dreams come true. That place is called WHISTLER.

Coming into my 4th summer in Whistler is an awesome feeling and it is gearing up to be one of the best so far. The flight over was very long due to babies crying; 2 people throwing up next to me; guy kicking me in the seat; and some one farting so bad even I was impressed. In total I somehow stayed up for 42 hrs then slept for 20 once my head hit the pillow.

I've been in town for one week now and have ridden my new steed for 6 out of the 8 days I have been here. Whistler is still under snow so the trails will not be rid-able for a few weeks so it's to Pemberton, Squamish and beyond for my adventures! So far they have not disappointed me at all exquisite would be a good word to describe the trails and the condition they are in.

Well I will be posting photos soon and stories to go with them, for now the trails are calling.

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